SAWYER® WATER Filter accessories

Personal Water Bottle

Filtration System

$ 45.99 USD

Kwa wale ambao wanapendelea mifumo ya kuchuja maji ya kibinafsi, hii ndio mfumo kwako. Tu scoop maji na kuendelea adventure.

Jifunze zaidi

Bidhaa hii haiuzwi kwa umma. Wasiliana nasi kwa maelezo.

Wasiliana na Sawyer
Tafuta katika Maduka
Matini ya Kitufe
Features & Specs
Filter Material:
0.1 Micron kabisa ya Fiber Membrane
Hadi 100,000 Gallons
Liquid Volume:
12.81 inches
3.94 inches
3.94 inches
10.26 ounces
Shipping & Warranty
2-7 days depending on location. All products ship from Sawyer Headquarters in Safety Harbor, FL.
If at any point you are unhappy with a Sawyer product, email us at and we will replace the product or issue a full refund.
Rated up to 100,000 gallons by manufacturer

More About this Product

Maelezo kamili ya Bidhaa

At just 5.5 ounces in weight, the durable Personal Water Bottle Filter from Sawyer can deliver clean water as fast as you can drink it. Use the included filter with the bottle, on a hydration pack, or as an ultra light filter option. It comes with Sawyer's Squeeze filter, a 0.1 absolute micron hollow fiber membrane water filter that removes 99.99999% of all bacteria, such as salmonella, cholera and E.coli, as well as removes 99.9999% of all protozoa, such as giardia and cryptosporidium (Independent Testing Laboratory Hydreion, LLC.; Microbiological Report S05-03). Great for hiking, backpacking, ultralight backpacking, camping, and emergency preparedness, the water bottle's included filter is designed to have a high flow rate so you can get fresh, clean water directly from the bottle easily and instantly. The bottle comes with a 63 mm cap, which will fit on most other wide-mouth water bottles. The filter is fully field maintainable with the included backwash syringe. This package also includes two replacement drinking straws. Backed by a manufacturer's limited lifetime warranty. Since 1984, Sawyer has used technological advancements to create products that keep you outdoors — from the backcountry to the backyard — including insect repellents for both skin and clothing, water filters for camping and emergencies, and sun protection.

Kit ni pamoja na

• One 34 oz water bottle with 0.1 Micron absolute hollow fiber membrane inline filter

• A 63 mm Cap

• Backwash Syringe

• 2 Replacement Straws

A blue Sawyer water filter bottle with a black lid

Product Benefits

Use Cases
Fill and drink instantly from freshwater lakes, streams, rivers, or while traveling

Utayari wa Dharura, Kusafiri, RVs, Viwanja vya Kambi, Sherehe, au kwa Kupunguza Matumizi ya Plastiki

Protected Fibers
Our hollow fiber membranes are fully encased and sealed to keep them protected against physical damage or the potential of harmful pathogens to pass in cross contamination.

Absolute Filtration
No pore is larger than 0.1 micron in Sawyer Filters, meaning no harmful bacteria, protozoa or cysts can pass through. Sawyer will not use average or nominal pore size ratings where larger pore sizes are present.

Field Maintainable
Sawyer fibers are ~75% stronger than fibers of other typical hollow fiber membranes allowing for aggressive backwashing and shock resistance. Meaning each Sawyer filter can be continually backwashed forcefully restoring up to 98.5% of the original flow rate.

Individually Tested 3 Times
Every Sawyer filter is performance tested three different times during the manufacturing process to ensure every Sawyer filter is 0.1 absolute micron and that no harmful pathogens can pass through the filter.

Maswali ya bidhaa yanayoulizwa mara kwa mara

Filter Compatibility - Personal Water Bottle

Kichujio cha Squeeze cha Sawyer na Kichujio cha MINI kinaweza kutumika kwa kushirikiana na pakiti ya maji. Tafadhali angalia video Sawyer Squeeze na Kifurushi cha Hydration kwa kutumia Adapta ya Inline na Squeeze ya Sawyer na Adapta za Kujaza Haraka.

How often should I backwash my filter? - Personal Water bottle

Tunapendekeza kuosha kichujio chako wakati kiwango cha mtiririko kinaanza kupungua, kabla ya kuhifadhi kwa muda mrefu, na wakati uko tayari kuanza kutumia kichujio chako tena. Kuosha kichujio chako baada ya kuhifadhi ni njia nzuri ya kurejesha vichungi na kurejesha kiwango cha mtiririko kabla ya matumizi.

How fast should the water come out of my filter? - Personal Water Bottle

Viwango vya mtiririko hutofautiana kulingana na jinsi kichujio ni safi na jinsi ulivyosafisha kichujio. Altitude pia huathiri viwango vya mtiririko (juu unaenda polepole mtiririko. Pia, kichujio cha PointZEROTWO™ hutiririka polepole sana kwamba Point ONE.

How do I care for my filter during freezing weather? - Personal Water Bottle

Kichujio chako ni salama kutokana na joto la kufungia ikiwa haijawahi kulowa.

Baada ya kulowa awali
Ingawa hakuna njia ya uhakika ya kujua ikiwa kichujio kimeharibiwa kwa sababu ya kufungia, Sawyer inapendekeza kubadilisha kichujio chako ikiwa unashuku kuwa imegandishwa.

Wakati wa safari
Ikiwa uko katika joto la kufungia, tunapendekeza uhifadhi kichujio chako mfukoni mwako au karibu na mtu wako ili joto la mwili wako liweze kuzuia kufungia. HAKUNA DHAMANA YA KICHUJIO KILICHOHIFADHIWA.

Do you have more information about Sawyer’s Label Claims and Warranties? - Personal Water Bottle

Tuna vipimo vya maabara huru kwa kutumia itifaki za EPA na habari kuhusu filters zetu na dhamana zao zinazopatikana kwenye Ukurasa wetu wa Rasilimali.

Does the Sawyer filter remove taste, chemicals and heavy metals from water? - Personal Water Bottle

The Sawyer filter removes taste that comes from bacteria, dirt, and green matter.

The Sawyer filter does NOT remove iron, sulfur, other chemicals, or simple compounds. Taste can be masked by using flavor additives like Gatorade or crystal light (filter needs to be cleaned immediately after using them).

Heavy Metals
The standard Sawyer filters are not made with charcoal. While other portable filters have charcoal, they lack in amount of media and adequate dwell time. Therefore, they only remove small amounts of heavy metals, pesticides, etc.

Wauzaji wetu wa kuaminika
Tafuta muuzaji wako wa karibu

Tafuta katika Maduka

Matini ya Kitufe

Bidhaa zenye malengo

Ulinzi tunaoufanya unaokoa maisha ya watu. Halisi. Si ajabu sisi ni fanatics kuhusu kupima na kujitolea kwa kujenga bidhaa hakuna mtu mwingine anaweza mechi.

Kiwango cha Sawyer
Personal Water Bottle
Personal Water Bottle
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