Maji safi kwa visiwa vyote vya Marshall

In July of 2023 we celebrated the completion of a multi-year project that brought clean water to every household in the Marshall Islands

The Marshall Islands will be the second developing country in history to reach this achievement as described by UN Sustainability Goal #6. In 2020 Liberia was the first country to reach this goal, made possible by a 5 year distribution of Sawyer filters.

Getting Clean Water Access To An Entire Country!

The Marshall Islands may be small in terms of land mass, but cover a massive area of the pacific ocean about half way between Hawaii and Australia. To say these islands are remote is an understatement. Traveling to these islands is difficult.

Vichujio vya maji
21 min


Kuchanganya maji yenye nguvu, ya turquoise, Visiwa vya Marshall ni mlolongo wa atolls kati ya Hawaii na Ufilipino. Taifa hilo limechorwa kama eneo la chini kwa mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa na, na wageni 6,000 tu kwa mwaka, nchi ya pili isiyotembelewa zaidi ulimwenguni. Maji salama, ya kunywa ni ufunguo wa kuhakikisha utamaduni wa Marshallese unaishi.

Woman demonstrating how to filter water from Sawyer bucket filters.

Visiwa vya Marshall


Sawyer inashirikiana na mashirika zaidi ya 140 katika nchi 80 kuleta suluhisho la maji safi ya kunywa kwa kaya duniani kote. Tangu 2008, tumefanya kazi na washirika wetu kukamilisha mipango inayoongozwa na wenyeji mafunzo ya watu binafsi kwenye mifumo yetu ya filtration. Kutumia teknolojia ya GIS, wakufunzi hawa pia watakamata habari ya afya na ustawi wa wapokeaji wa kichujio katika mfululizo wa ufuatiliaji baada ya usambazaji wa awali wa kichujio.


Years to complete




Kupunguza kuhara

Kwa msaada kutoka

Vichujio vya maji ya Sawyer vinaweza kupunguza kuhara kwa zaidi ya 90%.

Vipimo ni pamoja na:

  • Kupunguza kuhara
  • Siku za kazi na shule zilikamatwa tena zinazohusiana na ugonjwa wa maji
  • Ununuzi wa akiba ya maji na akiba ya matibabu inayohusishwa na ugonjwa wa maji

Hurricane Helene Help. Sawyer filters.

Sawyer helps to disperse filters, insect repellent, and sunscreen to impacted communities.

Vichujio vya maji
Dakika ya 2
Three water droplets white vector icon
Three women holding coconuts standing in ocean water near the beach.


Kora in Okrane - meaning “women who rise at dawn” - was founded 17 years ago entirely by volunteers. Since then, KIO has tackled a wide range of community needs from installing smokeless stoves in homes to hosting children’s reading events. 

The project to bring clean water to every single person in the Marshall Islands began 6 years ago by prioritizing the most vulnerable of their community on the outer islands as the first filter recipients. KIO volunteers worked with traditional women leaders to ensure that everyone on the islands understood how to use and maintain the filters, and in July of 2023 the project to secure clean water for every household in the Marshall Islands was officially completed.

Three water droplets white vector icon


Kora in Okrane - meaning “women who rise at dawn” - was founded 17 years ago entirely by volunteers. Since then, KIO has tackled a wide range of community needs from installing smokeless stoves in homes to hosting children’s reading events. 

The project to bring clean water to every single person in the Marshall Islands began 6 years ago by prioritizing the most vulnerable of their community on the outer islands as the first filter recipients. KIO volunteers worked with traditional women leaders to ensure that everyone on the islands understood how to use and maintain the filters, and in July of 2023 the project to secure clean water for every household in the Marshall Islands was officially completed.

Three women holding coconuts standing in ocean water near the beach.


Bottle ya Sawyer Picaridin Insect Repellent Spray


Kora in Okrane - meaning “women who rise at dawn” - was founded 17 years ago entirely by volunteers. Since then, KIO has tackled a wide range of community needs from installing smokeless stoves in homes to hosting children’s reading events. 

The project to bring clean water to every single person in the Marshall Islands began 6 years ago by prioritizing the most vulnerable of their community on the outer islands as the first filter recipients. KIO volunteers worked with traditional women leaders to ensure that everyone on the islands understood how to use and maintain the filters, and in July of 2023 the project to secure clean water for every household in the Marshall Islands was officially completed.


Mfumo wa Sawyer Bucket ni mfumo wa kuchuja kwa jamii za mbali zinazohitaji upatikanaji wa maji safi ya kunywa. Miradi yote ya kazi ya maji safi ya Sawyers ina utendaji wake wa juu wa 0.1-micron kabisa ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ambayo huondoa 99.99999% ya bakteria zote, kama vile salmonella, kipindupindu, na E. coli, 99.9999% ya protozoa zote, kama vile giardia na cryptosporidium, na 100% ya microplastics.

Three water droplets white vector icon
Caption: A Head Kibera Elder shares what changes he has seen in the community since clean water became accessible. 

The Process 

  1. Assess- The process begins with a door-to-door census for each community and pathogen testing of the local water sources. This ensures that the Sawyer water filter is an appropriate solution for the area.
  2. Distribute- Once the true scope of clean water scarcity and the effectiveness of the Sawyer filter to treat it, a systematic distribution begins. ‍
  3. Follow up - The Bucket Ministry team visits every household at least three times to follow up. During these visits the team member ensures the daily maintenance is being performed correctly to achieve its long-term effectiveness.
4 min
Caption: “In the beginning, drinking this water often made us sick. I am grateful to The Bucket Ministry for providing us with a bucket filter that purifies our water, now we no longer get sick or suffer from diarrhea. Now we filter clean water and we are healthy.”


Mfumo wa Sawyer Bucket ni mfumo wa kuchuja kwa jamii za mbali zinazohitaji upatikanaji wa maji safi ya kunywa. Miradi yote ya kazi ya maji safi ya Sawyers ina utendaji wake wa juu wa 0.1-micron kabisa ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ambayo huondoa 99.99999% ya bakteria zote, kama vile salmonella, kipindupindu, na E. coli, 99.9999% ya protozoa zote, kama vile giardia na cryptosporidium, na 100% ya microplastics.

Photo of a beached boat distributing bucket water filters to people on the beach.


Mfumo wa Sawyer Bucket ni mfumo wa kuchuja kwa jamii za mbali zinazohitaji upatikanaji wa maji safi ya kunywa. Miradi yote ya kazi ya maji safi ya Sawyers ina utendaji wake wa juu wa 0.1-micron kabisa ya nyuzi ya nyuzi ambayo huondoa 99.99999% ya bakteria zote, kama vile salmonella, kipindupindu, na E. coli, 99.9999% ya protozoa zote, kama vile giardia na cryptosporidium, na 100% ya microplastics.

Three women holding coconuts standing in ocean water near the beach.


Bottle ya Sawyer Picaridin Insect Repellent Spray
Three women holding coconuts standing in ocean water near the beach.


Kora in Okrane - meaning “women who rise at dawn” - was founded 17 years ago entirely by volunteers. Since then, KIO has tackled a wide range of community needs from installing smokeless stoves in homes to hosting children’s reading events. 

The project to bring clean water to every single person in the Marshall Islands began 6 years ago by prioritizing the most vulnerable of their community on the outer islands as the first filter recipients. KIO volunteers worked with traditional women leaders to ensure that everyone on the islands understood how to use and maintain the filters, and in July of 2023 the project to secure clean water for every household in the Marshall Islands was officially completed.

Soma makala hii
Tree illustration gray vector icon
Washirika wa hisani wa Wanawake wa Sawyer ambao huangaza

Washirika wa hisani wa Wanawake wa Sawyer ambao huangaza

Soma juu ya kujifunza zaidi kuhusu mashirika ya ajabu ambayo yanawawezesha wanawake duniani kote, kichujio kimoja kwa wakati mmoja.


Kora in Okrane - meaning “women who rise at dawn” - was founded 17 years ago entirely by volunteers. Since then, KIO has tackled a wide range of community needs from installing smokeless stoves in homes to hosting children’s reading events. 

The project to bring clean water to every single person in the Marshall Islands began 6 years ago by prioritizing the most vulnerable of their community on the outer islands as the first filter recipients. KIO volunteers worked with traditional women leaders to ensure that everyone on the islands understood how to use and maintain the filters, and in July of 2023 the project to secure clean water for every household in the Marshall Islands was officially completed.