SAWYER® WATER Filter accessories


Water Filtration System

$ 45.99 USD

Kubwa kutumia wakati wa kusafiri, wakati wa kuchemsha, au katika dharura wakati maji salama ya kunywa yanaathiriwa, Kichujio cha Gonga ni rahisi kutumia na vichungi hadi galoni 500 za maji safi ya kunywa kwa siku.

Jifunze zaidi

Bidhaa hii haiuzwi kwa umma. Wasiliana nasi kwa maelezo.

Wasiliana na Sawyer
Tafuta katika Maduka
Matini ya Kitufe
Features & Specs
Filter Material:
0.1 Micron kabisa ya Fiber Membrane
Hadi 500 galoni / siku
Liquid Volume:
10.25 inches
16.5 inches
10.5 inches
5.4 ounces
Shipping & Warranty
2-7 days depending on location. All products ship from Sawyer Headquarters in Safety Harbor, FL.
If at any point you are unhappy with a Sawyer product, email us at and we will replace the product or issue a full refund.
Rated up to 100,000 gallons by manufacturer

More About this Product

Maelezo kamili ya Bidhaa

Great for use in urban and rural locations, during boil alerts or in other emergencies when safe drinking water is compromised, the lightweight TAP Water Filter from Sawyer ensures access to clean drinking water. It's an ideal component to add to your emergency preparedness kit for use during natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, fires, and earthquakes. Simply attach the filter to a standard faucet tap or to a hose bib spigot, turn on the water, and filter into your clean container.

The TAP can be used to filter up to 500 gallons per day to an incredibly clean 0.1-micron standard. The small lightweight TAP features a 0.1-micron absolute filter that removes 99.99999% of bacteria (salmonella, cholera, and E. coli), 99.9999% of protozoa (cryptosporidium and giardia), and 100% of microplastics — exceeding EPA recommendations for removal rates.

The Sawyer TAP Water Filter is a great choice for relief agencies or support groups traveling to areas where the water source is compromised or in question, or when you need ultra-pure particle and bacteria filtration. It's also great for use at campgrounds, festivals, events, in RVs, and for domestic and international travel. Chemicals, electricity, and batteries are not required.

The inline filter fits tap size 17mm to 20mm (11/16" to 3/4"); hose bibs (garden hose spigot); and some (not all) faucet aerators. Included with the Sawyer TAP filter is a backwash adapter, threaded spigot adapter, dual threaded adapter, tap gauge, and a 2-foot-long extension hose for use in a shallow sink.

Kit ni pamoja na

• 1 TAP Filter

• 1 Backwash Adapter

• A Threaded Spigot Adapter

• A Dual Threaded Adapter

• Tap Gauge

• Extension Hose

A Sawyer tap filter with blue label, black body and a white cap

Product Benefits

Use Cases
Makes bacteria contaminated tap water potable; Ideal for use in rural locations, emergency kits, boil alerts, at campgrounds, festivals, events, in RVs, and for travel.

International Travel
The ultra compact and lightweight Sawyer TAP Filter is perfect for packing when traveling internationally. The TAP Filter helps ensure clean drinking water in areas where contam

TAP adapter attaches directly to other Sawyer filters such as MINI, Dual Threaded MINI, Micro Squeeze, and Squeeze Water filter (not included)

Removal Rates
Removes 99.99999% of bacteria (salmonella, cholera, and E. coli); removes 99.9999% of protozoa (such as giardia and cryptosporidium); also removes 100% of microplastics.

Maswali ya bidhaa yanayoulizwa mara kwa mara

Will the Tap Filter make my water taste better? - Tap water filtration

Kwa hakika inaweza kuboresha ladha ya maji kwa kuondoa viwango vya juu vya vimelea au chembe katika maji; hata hivyo, kichujio hiki hakikuundwa na uboreshaji wa ladha kama kipaumbele cha juu. Kipaumbele kikubwa cha mfumo huu ni kuhakikisha kuwa maji ni salama kwa kunywa.

How long does the Tap Filter last in use? - Tap water filtration

Kila kichujio cha bomba kina uwezo wa kuchuja zaidi ya galoni 500 za maji kwa siku. Matumizi sahihi na matengenezo ya kichujio yataruhusu kichujio hiki kutumika kwa miaka 10+.

What is the shelf life of the Tap Filter? - Tap water filtration

Ikiwa imehifadhiwa vizuri katika eneo la baridi, kavu mbali na mfiduo wa UV, Kichujio cha Gonga cha Sawyer kina maisha ya rafu ya miaka 10+.

What if the Tap Filter is exposed to freezing weather? - Tap water filtration

Ikiwa kichujio ni kipya, hakuna hatari ya kufungia uharibifu. Hata hivyo, mara tu kichujio kimetumika au kimelowa, mchakato wa upanuzi wa barafu ndani ya kichujio unaweza kunyoosha au kuharibu nyuzi hadi mahali ambapo vimelea vinaweza kuteleza. Ikiwa unashuku kichujio chako kimefunuliwa kwa hali ya kufungia baada ya matumizi, tutapendekeza kukosea upande wa tahadhari na kubadilisha mfumo.

Will the Tap Filter fit my faucet? - Tap water filtration

Hopefully! Tuliunda adapta hizi ili kutoshea kwenye faucets nyingi za kawaida ndani na kimataifa. Kwa sababu ya aina mbalimbali za bomba kwenye soko, hatuwezi kuhakikisha kuwa kichujio hiki kitafaa kwenye mfano wako maalum. Ikiwa hauna uhakika ikiwa itatokea, tafadhali tutumie picha na vipimo vya bomba lako. Tutachunguza kwa furaha kutengeneza adapta zingine za saizi kulingana na maoni tunayopokea.

The included gauge does not fit my faucet, but the Tap Filter does. Is it safe to use? - Tap water filtration

Absolutely! If it is no additional trouble, please send us the specs on your tap so we can explore additional adapters as needed based on customer feedback. Just be sure to be mindful of the water pressure (<40 psi) to ensure that the fibers are not damaged.

Wauzaji wetu wa kuaminika
Tafuta muuzaji wako wa karibu

Tafuta katika Maduka

Matini ya Kitufe

Bidhaa zenye malengo

Ulinzi tunaoufanya unaokoa maisha ya watu. Halisi. Si ajabu sisi ni fanatics kuhusu kupima na kujitolea kwa kujenga bidhaa hakuna mtu mwingine anaweza mechi.

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