Mfiduo wa Nchi ya Nyuma katika Visiwa vya Marshall
Getting Clean Water Access To An Entire Country!
The Marshall Islands may be small in terms of land mass, but cover a massive area of the pacific ocean about half way between Hawaii and Australia. To say these islands are remote is an understatement. Traveling to these islands is difficult. The Republic of the Marshall Islands is one of the least visited countries in the world, but has an incredible, rich history! It was a humbling and amazing treat to travel there and spend a week exploring the atoll of Majuro. But most importantly to see, Kora In Okrane (KIO) deliver the final set of Sawyer Water Filters to the residents on the island RongRong and bring clean water access to the entire country!
** Donate to Kora In Okrane (KIO) Directly - Email them directly to donate
** Donate to the Sawyer Foundation
** Learn more about Sawyer's clean water projects