Woman presenting to other women seated around her.
Hakuna vipengee vilivyopatikana.
Hakuna vipengee vilivyopatikana.

Since 2008, Water By Women (formerly Water With Blessings) has empowered women in 48 countries to become “Water Women,” proving that a mother’s love can provide children with a lifetime supply of clean water.

Water By Women distributes Sawyer filters at a price that makes it possible to place the power of clean water directly into the hands of mothers. Water Women are also provided with training manuals and materials based on best practices and sound technology. 

Partners and donors are delighted to have a ready-to-go program that guarantees clean water while building up communities and the dignity of local women.

Learn more about the Water Women of Honduras

Vinjari Misaada Mingine

Angalia misaada yote
Nembo ya Timu ya Rubicon
Timu ya Rubicon
Charity | Kenya
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Nembo ya Maji Safi kwa Afrika
Maji safi kwa Afrika
Charity | Kenya
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Konbit Haiti
Charity | Kenya
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Nembo ya Kingdom Ventures International
Kingdom Ventures ya Kimataifa
Charity | Kenya
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