A gentleman demonstrating dirty unfiltered water vs clean filtered drinking water to a group of people.
Hakuna vipengee vilivyopatikana.
Hakuna vipengee vilivyopatikana.

The Mission of Give Clean Water is to provide a sustainable, clean drinking water solution to every person who needs it. Their strategy is to solve one country’s water problem, then move to the next country and the next. The Give Clean Water Way has impacted over 2 million people worldwide. 

Working in direct partnership with the Fiji Ministry of Health staff, Give Clean Water prioritizes villages with waterborne sickness and collects health data from every family, installs Sawyer Point One filters and teaches basic hygiene, and orchestrates monthly follow-ups by the local health workers to ensure the sustainability of this clean drinking water solution. For over 10 years, the Health Ministry has documented that there has been no recurrence of any waterborne sickness in any of the villages in which Give Clean Water has installed Sawyer water filters.

In 2023, Give Clean Water’s team traveled to the rural Naitasiri Province of Fiji to celebrate the project's 15th anniversary.

Learn more about the Fiji project
A chocolate cake with the words "Give clean water 15th anniversary" written on it.

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