Gossamear Gear: Heather Anderson anazungumza Afya ya Akili na Njia
I think we can all agree that the time we spend hiking and the feeling of joy when we achieve something as huge as completing a thru-hike is a part of...
National Geographic Adventurer ya Mwaka, Heather Anderson ni mwanamke pekee ambaye amekamilisha Appalachian, Pacific Crest na Bara Divide National Scenic Trails kila mara tatu. Hii ni pamoja na yake ya kihistoria Kalenda Mwaka Triple Crown kuongezeka katika 2018 wakati yeye kuongezeka wote watatu wa njia hizo katika msimu mmoja Machi-Novemba, na kumfanya mwanamke wa kwanza kufanya hivyo. Kama msemaji wa kitaalam, Heather anazungumza mara kwa mara juu ya adventures yake na masomo yaliyojifunza kwenye njia. Yeye ndiye mwandishi wa Thirst: 2600 Miles to Home (2019) akiandika njia yake ya Pacific Crest Trail inayojulikana haraka na Mud, Rocks, Blazes: Kuruhusu Nenda kwenye Njia ya Appalachian (2021) kuhusu 2015 AT FKT.
I think we can all agree that the time we spend hiking and the feeling of joy when we achieve something as huge as completing a thru-hike is a part of...
"As a fly angler, your hopes and dreams are often waiting for you on the underside of a freestone river rock."
Dhamira yetu ni kuwezesha kila mtu kufurahia nje salama kwa kutokomeza magonjwa ya maji na wadudu.