I Explored Two Of The Largest Slums In The World

This is the Kibera slum that's home to over 400,000 people living in just 3 square miles. Most homes have dirt floors and are no larger than an average walk-in closet. Things like plumbing and electricity are luxuries and there are less than 80 bathrooms for the entire slum to share. Just imagine your bathroom being used by 100 people every single day.

Four years ago, this was one of the most dangerous places in the world. Murder, gangs, drugs, and theft ruled the streets. The water was infected with parasite and disease.  People were drinking their own sewage, but recently there has been a complete 180 and everything changed. We're here to find out exactly what happened and how it's about to happen again to a neighboring slum right on the other side of this wall.

Click to watch Dan Becker's video about the work done in Kibera and Kawangware.


March 5, 2025

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Mwandishi wa Blogu ya Picha

Dan Becker

Backpacker and YouTuber

I create engaging content for YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram full time. My niche is hiking, backpacking and the outdoors.

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Dan Becker
Backpacker and YouTuber