Preventing Tick Bites
In Partnership with Sawyer
No matter what we’re doing in the outdoors, showing up prepared makes us feel more confident, less afraid of the unknowns, and—perhaps obvious but it’s worth stating—better able to take care of ourselves and others.
One aspect of prevention is dealing with bugs, especially ticks. Ticks aren’t something we love spending a good deal of time thinking about, but a lack of preparation when it comes to them can lead to anxiety when going outdoors. Plus, if you’re not prepared, it can also lead to being exposed to serious diseases, like Lyme, should you encounter a tick bite.
There are a few basic practices and pieces of gear to know about when it comes to preventing tick bites, so we did some research and compiled it all here to get you started. Because your adventures might take you to unpredictable places, but preventing tick bites (or knowing how to respond accordingly) is something you can have some control over.
Read the full article by Laura Hughes on She Explore's website here.
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