The Best Mosquito Repellents of 2024, Tested

Hizi repellents si basi mbu suck furaha nje ya majira ya joto.

Majira ya joto ni barbecues, safari za uvuvi, na hum tofauti ya juu ya mbu inayoingia kwenye sikio lako. Mwisho unaweza kuharibu furaha yako ya majira ya joto na swatting ya mara kwa mara na kuwasha kwa tukio. Lakini, mbu repellent inaweza kuokoa siku. Ili kukusaidia kupata mbu bora zaidi kwa mahitaji yako, nilijaribu kundi lao katika miti yangu iliyoathiriwa na mbu ili kupata repellents ambazo ni bora na rafiki wa mtumiaji. Hapa kuna chaguo zangu:

To help you find the best mosquito repellent for your needs, I tested a bunch of them in my mosquito-infested woods to find repellents that are effective and user friendly. Here are my picks:

Bora kwa ujumla: Coleman Insect Repellent SkinSmart

Bora kwa Backyards: Thermacell EX90

Best Bug Spray: Repel 100

Lotion bora: Sawyer Picaridin Mdudu wa Repellent Lotion

Bora kwa Kutibu Nguo: Sawyer Permethrin

Best Indoor Mosquito Trap: Katchy Indoor Insect Trap

Kifaa Bora cha Kubebeka: Thermacell MR450 Armored Mosquito Repeller

Asili Bora: Asili ya Murphy Lemon Eucalyptus Mafuta ya Mosquito & Tick Repellent Spray

Best for Skin: Lemongrass Farms TREK

Kifaa Bora cha Backpacking: Backpacker Mosquito Repeller

Endelea kusoma zaidi kuhusu aina mbalimbali za mbu hapa.


October 27, 2024

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