The Best Pacific Crest Trail Water Filters

Using the data from the Pacific Crest Trail survey, I’ve come up with a list of the best PCT water filters and treatment systems. It’s a question that many hikers struggle with every year (unless you don’t believe in treating because your thru-hiking power level is over 9,000) – how to turn delicious pathogen-filled water sources into delicious won’t-get-you-sick water sources on the Pacific Crest Trail.

Although many PCT thru-hikers say things like “I only filter my water in the desert” or “I don’t filter above 10,000 ft (3,048 m)” or “People don’t get sick from not filtering, they get sick from not washing their hands” this does not mean you should give up treating your water (but you should definitely be washing your hands). Do you know how often I treat my water? Always. Do you know how many times I’ve been sick because of contaminated water? Zero. I’m not saying I had to filter my water all those times, but it’s like my parents always told me: better safe than sorry (or “get off the damn internet, I need to use the phone!” Remember those days? No? You’re lucky).

Continue reading to learn more, written by Mac.


February 25, 2025

Imeandikwa na
Mwandishi wa Blogu ya Picha


Mwandishi wa Kuchangia

Mac is a contributing writer for Halfway Anywhere.

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