Spending Time Above Treeline? This is the Gear You’ll Need to Enjoy the Alpine.

These products will keep you protected and prepared on high-alpine treks.

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One summer past, I was hiking the undulating crest of Montana's Gallatin range, peaks and valleys unspooling on all sides as far as I could see. I hadn't seen another hiker the entire time, and I was also entirely out of water. My partner stopped and peered at a map on his phone. "I sure hope that dark spot is an actual lake," he muttered.

We were in the middle of a 45-mile ridge hike; in hindsight, we should have known that water sources would be scarce. This wasn't hindsight thought, and I was really thirsty. A few miles later we dropped over the side of a hill, and there was a small, somewhat festering pond in a shallow basin. It would be our only water until the next day. From that point on, I was more careful about mapping water sources beforehand and always carried a collapsible bottle for extra water-carrying capacity on high-elevation trails.

Continue reading Maggie Slepian's complete article and her list of best gear here.


October 21, 2024

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Maelezo ya vyombo vya habari kutoka Backpacker

Katika BACKPACKER, tunahamasisha na kuwawezesha watu kufurahiya nje kwa kutoa habari inayoaminika zaidi na inayohusika kuhusu adventure ya nchi ya nyuma huko Amerika ya Kaskazini.

Tumejitolea kwa uaminifu, heshima, na ushirikiano katika uhusiano wetu wote.

Tunaelewa na kujibu kwa wakati unaofaa kwa mahitaji ya bidhaa na huduma ya watumiaji wetu.

Tunachukua jukumu la uongozi katika kuelimisha na kushirikiana na wengine ambao wanashiriki maslahi na maadili yetu.

Tunaunga mkono mipango, sera, na tabia ambazo zinahimiza ulinzi wa maeneo yetu ya sasa ya jangwa na majina mazuri ya mpya.

Tumejitolea kuonyesha ubora wa juu wa picha za kulazimisha na hadithi za kuvutia.

We provide our industry with superior service, resources, and audiences. </p>

Tunakuza matumizi endelevu, ya chini ya athari ya jangwa.

Tunasaidiana na kuhimizana kubuni, kuongoza, kukua, kuchukua hatari, kushiriki mawazo, na kuonyesha shauku kwa jangwa.

Chunguza Maudhui Zaidi

Majina ya Vyombo vya Habari

Sawyer’s donation of water filters represents a significant shift away from the cumbersome logistics of bottled water, offering a faster and more efficient solution.

John Dicuollo
Public Relations Director at Backbone Media

Majina ya Vyombo vya Habari

Summer tick season used to be a problem only in the southern part of Ontario, but tick populations are moving north as the climate grows warmer.

TVO ya Leo
Habari za vyombo vya habari kutoka TVO Leo

Majina ya Vyombo vya Habari

Mosquitos are nasty creatures. They bite, they transmit terrible diseases to people and pets, and from what I read, they have absolutely no redeeming value in the ecosystem.

Maelezo ya vyombo vya habari kutoka ArcaMax