Join us Wednesday, April 26 at 7pm at the Busch Annapolis Library for an evening with the tenth person to walk around the world, Tom Turcich. Tom and his dog, Savannah, completed their seven-year journey on May 21, 2022. From his travels, Tom grew into a world-class photographer, learned lessons in growth, resilience, problem solving and the oneness of humanity.

Tom has distilled the profound lessons from his walk into a beautiful, humorous and inspiring keynote presentation.

Did you know Tom is an avid reader? Check out some of his favorite books he read during his travels - Tom's Booklist.

Interested in sponsoring this event? Email Gina Grove, AACPL Foundation Development Coordinator.

Find the full article & more details on the event here.


October 26, 2024

Imeandikwa na
Mwandishi wa Blogu ya Picha

Wilaya ya Anne Arundel

Chunguza Maudhui Zaidi

Majina ya Vyombo vya Habari

Consumer Reports has ranked [Sawyer 20% Picaridin Insect Repellent] as the best protection against mosquitoes.

Tori Peglar

Majina ya Vyombo vya Habari

“It's not greasy, and absorbs really well. It also doesn't have a smell to it, which is nice,” adds Porter.

Ashley Jones
Mwandishi wa Kuchangia

Majina ya Vyombo vya Habari

You have the chance to win a Benelli shotgun, Blocker Outdoors turkey hunting apparel, premium Pistol Creek Calls, Sawyer tick-repellent products, and much more.

Turkeys for Tomorrow